Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Dating Guide: How to Become More Attractive to Women

The problem with most of us men is that when we are around attractive women we feel the need to gain their approval by being overly nice, courteous and so on. The problem is that this puts the woman in the position
to lead and if she is leading she will never feel that spark of attraction for you. Women are attracted to strong and confident men and a strong guy will never allow a woman to lead (and leading is by no means getting physical with her).
Funnily enough, the best way to spark that fire of attraction is not to need her approval and to show her as much. The trick is to make her work for your attention rather than the other way around. This will unbalance her cool and aloof approach to men simply because you are doing something so unexpected and out of the ordinary she will be hard pressed not to at least be curious about you.
The more you appear like you don’t need her approval, the more confident you will appear and confidence is very attractive to both women and men. So, the more confident you can act in every situation, the more attractive you will be.
However, remember that there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. While arrogance may be appealing to a certain degree, too much of it will make you look like a total jerk.

The Excuse

Most guys who fail with women always have an excuse, but most of the time that excuse is merely in their heads. You see, the main reason we guys fail is because of the way we think which has an impact on the way we behave.
For example, if you think that you will never have a chance at talking to an attractive woman then your actions will be in line with your thoughts. You will give off a “scared” vibe and you probably even won’t approach a woman to begin with.
On the other hand, the more confident you are in your abilities to charm and attract a woman, the stronger you will appear and the more attractive you will be. Most of the time the shortcomings we imagine we have stop us from acting and they are so deeply ingrained in our psyche that we don’t even realize we have them.
The best way for you to overcome this problem is, first, with a little soul searching. You have to identify what the excuse is that has been holding you back so that you can deal with it. Next, you need to educate yourself about women so you know what sparks that feeling of attraction.
You see, as soon as you come to understand exactly what women desire then you will be able to project an aura of strength that they will find absolutely irresistible. Every woman has a little girl inside of her longing to be protected and cared for and that little girl is the one who will have the final word. If you begin to understand that little girl and speak to her, showing her that you are in control of every aspect of your life, then women will be attracted to you like a moth to flame.
But you absolutely need to accept the fact that you can improve and it is within your power to become more attractive to women. Forget the excuses that nature hasn’t endowed you with Apollo’s beauty or that you can’t compete because you aren’t running a Fortune 500 company. You need to stop the self-pity and start understanding once and for all that if you can make a woman feel good then you will win out over any stud with a Ferrari if he has the personality of a wet rag.

Nice Guys vs Bad Boys

One of the biggest pet peeves nice guys have is that the bad boys always get the girl. Why? Well, while you are trying to wine and dine her, and basically kiss her backside and treat her with kid gloves so as not to upset her, in comes the bad boy who couldn’t really care less what she thinks about him, or what anyone thinks for that matter.
You see, bad boys project an aura of danger and power that women are attracted to simply because they don’t care what anyone else thinks – or pretend not to care – and because they are in control.
Women love strong men and most bad boys project this strength which is why women fall head over heels for them. The problem is that some of these guys turn out to be abusive jerks later on in the relationship, yet you still hear some of the most beautiful women say they love them and can’t give them up, even after these guys have beaten up on them.
On the other hand, you have the “nice guy” who is basically seen as being dishonest because, usually, they put aside their own needs and desires in order to please a woman. Since women are quite adept at picking up on the slightest things she will immediately think that the guy is being nice simply because he wants something from her or because he isn’t comfortable with who he is. So, he is either a pussy or a manipulator, neither of which women find attractive.
Now, imagine that you could combine the best of both worlds, namely projecting the same “bad boy” power while never becoming abusive or controlling. You would, essentially, be the perfect guy and the best thing is that you can learn to exude the same aura of power. You just need to believe that you can and be willing to work on building your confidence levels.


One thing we need to look at is the concept of attraction. You see, attraction will determine whether or not you get a date. The good news, though, is that women are more attracted to personality than they are looks. While looks do play a role, if you have the right personality traits, women will still be attracted to you even if you aren’t a Brad Pitt lookalike.
So, if your excuse until now has been that you aren’t rich, famous or Brad, then you need to realize that it’s only an excuse. While women may be attracted to the rich and famous, personality still wins out and if you have the confidence and humor that women love, then you will win every time, irrespective of the size of your bank account.
The even better news is that these are all things that can be learned, meaning that you can actually make yourself more attractive to women by cultivating the type of personality they would be attracted to.
If you are sputtering and mumbling that you shouldn’t have to change for a woman to be attracted to you and that she should like you for who you are, then wake up and take a whiff of reality because everyone has to change. We are all changing throughout our lives and we have two choices: we either let life mold us or we channel the change to benefit us.
However, just remember that attraction isn’t a choice. It’s not like a woman will see a guy and size him up, then tick of his qualities and suddenly decide “I choose to be attracted to him because he is stable, dependent and has a good job.” It simply doesn’t work that way because if it did then you probably wouldn’t need to read this book.
Attraction is quite biological, which means that if she isn’t attracted to you after first date, then there is little you can do about it because you will never be anything more than a friend to her. No matter how many gifts you buy her or how many restaurants you take her to, she is not going to suddenly develop an attraction for you. You’re better off simply moving on.

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