Saturday, 23 May 2015

5 common things you eat that are killing your sex life

There are foods we eat which may taste pretty nice, but not so much below the belt.  Some men can't perform well on bed, and may be wondering why? It also affect women, it can lead to infertility. The thing is we have to watch what we eat, and in some case, it isn't only the things we eat, but the packaging itself. Infertility in women and quick ejaculation in men isn't a new phenomenon. Some people suffer from it but are not outspoken, just to keep their pride intact. Homes have been broken for that reason. Most times, the cause isn't generic in nature, it's as a result of what we eat. Now let me show you five common foods you eat that is killing your sex life, after the cut...


Did I hear someone say, "Are you for real?". Well water isn't the necessary evil here, but the plastic container that holds it. Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical component that is found in most plastic food containers and cans that are associated with negative impact on the fertility of both men and women. A Slovenian study in the Journal of fertility and Sterility found statistically significant association between urinary BPA concentration in men and lower sperm count, concentration and vitality. A Harvard School of Public Health study found women with the highest BPA levels 27% less viable eggs.

Brussels sprouts
Now this may sound funny to some people, but it isn't. You can ruin a romantic moment with a malodorous fart. Now this beauties has a reputation of making you fart. Other veggies in this category include; cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage. They are known as cruciferous vegetables. Raffinose and sulphate are to be blame. Raffinose is a sugar found in cruciferous veggies that goes undigested until it reaches the large intestine where it's fermented by gas-producing bacteria. The smell, however, comes from sulphate, another compound found in cruciferous veggies that studies have found to be the major malodorous compound of human fart. My advice is, if you must make love and don't want to ruin the day with smelly farts, stay away from Brussels sprouts, at least for that day.

Can soup
Canned soup and meals are notoriously high in dietary sodium, which can lead to elevated blood pressure and diminishes blood flow to other regions of the body, including the genital. This can however be reversed by taking some dark chocolate, because the non-alkalised cocoa is rich in flavanols - compounds that promote the production of nitric oxide in the body, causing blood vessels to open wider.

Citrus-flavoured soda
Many sodas are manufactured with brominated vegetable oil (especially in the USA). One chemical in a class known as PBDEs, which are used as flame retardants in foams and plastics. A study in the Journal Environment Health Perspectives found women who were actively trying to get pregnant were half as likely to conceive if they had high level of PBDE in their blood. Coca-cola and Pepsi companies announced in May 2014 that they are working to remove the controversial chemical from products - which may include citrus-flavoured sodas like Mountain Dew, Fanta and Fresca - but only God knows when and if they will.

A serving of edamame is a little more than a bowl of soy beans - 91% of which is generically engineered in the US, according to the Centre for Food Safety. A study Journal of Nutrition found high levels of soy in a woman's body can decrease sex hormones and disrupt ovarian function. And a study out of Harvard School of Public Health found just a half serving of soy per day was enough to slash sperm count by 40%.

Credit: Men'

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