Sunday, 24 May 2015

New Research: Coffee can improve Erectile Dysfunction

There is nothing that embarrasses a man like erectile dysfunction. It's pathetic when the penis can't stand up, or be strong enough, when you need it to do the job. Some people have associated the problem with too much sugar in the body, which is pretty reasonable. Regardless of the cause, though, what is important now is what you suppose to do to make you a man again. You may lose your partner
if the problem persist, because she probably needs a man not a.... well, whatever that has make you become!

It's time you stop beating yourself up and take some real action. Well by action, I mean a pretty easy way to improve your sex life, and I'm sure it will be fun doing. No, it isn't prescription drugs or some obnoxious gimmicks. It's coffee! But hey, you have got to take it the right way or else it won't work. Don't go gulping down every jug of coffee you can lay a hand on.

According to the study, published in PLOS ONE, men who downed between 85 and 170 milligrams of caffeine a day were 42% less likely to report Erectile Dysfunction (ED) than those who had up to 7 milligrams. But more than that may not be better: Men who consumed between 171 and 303 milligrams of caffeine a day reported a 39% decrease in the likelihood of ED compared to the non-drinkers, which is still great, but not as good as those who had half that amount.

Here's why coffee works according to the researchers: The imminent caffeine rush following your cup of coffee relaxes the penile helicon arteries and the smooth muscle inside of the penis, increasing penile blood flow. Yup, sounds counterintuitive that caffeine has a relaxation effect, but that's the gist. So taking 1-2 cups of coffee a day, and not more than that, should be enough to do the job for you.


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