There is a
preconception that having sex at a certain time or eating certain foods or
having sex in a particular position might increase your chances of conceiving a boy or a girl.
While there are
some suggestions that you can increase your chances of conceiving a baby of a
particular sex during certain times of your ovulation period, these are not
When you
consider that a male will ejaculate millions of
sperm upon orgasm, trying to
aim at one specific type of these is going to be a hit and miss operation.
Basically, men
produce two types of sperm: an X and a Y. The slower, larger X sperm will
become female, while the faster, smaller Y sperm will be male.
This is where timing
when you have sex becomes important.
Keep in mind
there is no guaranteed way to determine the sex of your baby, but you can work
on ways to favor your odds for or against one or the other.
Are you trying for a Girl?
If you’re trying for a girl, you will need to try and have sex seven days before ovulation and then every day until around 3 or more days prior to ovulation. Then try to avoid sex for a few days until you’re sure ovulation is over. This is because the smaller, faster Y sperm will reach the uterus and die before the egg is even released. However, there will still be a number of slower, larger X sperm alive when you ovulate.
Another theory
is to work on shallower penetration. This has to do with the pH levels within
the vagina. An acidic environment will kill the weaker Y sperm first, leaving a
far greater quantity of X sperm remaining to fertilize the egg.
Besides, with
deeper penetration, the sperm is deposited much closer to the egg, which can mean
the faster Y sperm may reach their destination before the X sperm can.
You may also decrease
the acidity levels within the vagina if you reach orgasm during sex. If you’re
trying for a girl, it may be best not to reach orgasm, as your body will release
a substance that could make the vagina more alkaline instead of acidic.
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