to conceive a baby boy: an effective tip on conceiving a boy
We live in a
world full of desires. Some folks may desire to have a baby girl while some others
may desire a baby boy. There is nothing wrong with desiring to have either a
boy or a girl or even both. Now the question in the heart of many of us could
be: is there anything that one can do to influence which baby they get?
there’s about a 51 percent chance you’ll have a boy and a 49 percent chance
that you’ll have a girl. I
think that’s pretty close. There
could be myriad of reasons why you may want to have a baby
of a particular sex,
and perhaps it has got you into thinking that maybe there is something you can
do to sway the odds to your favor. Well, there might be a way is the good news,
but there are no guarantees I must add. While there are some suggestions that
you can increase your chances of conceiving a baby of a particular sex during
certain times of your ovulation period, these are not foolproof.
When you
consider that a male will ejaculate millions of sperm upon orgasm, trying to
aim at one specific type of these is going to be a hit and miss operation.
Basically, men
produce two types of sperm: an X and a Y. The slower, larger X sperm will
become female, while the faster, smaller Y sperm will be male.
This is where
timing when you have sex becomes important.
Keep in mind
there is no guaranteed way to determine the sex of your baby, but you can work
on ways to favor your odds for or against one or the other.
When trying for
a boy, it may become important to try and not have sex until you reach around
2-3 days before ovulation. Then have sex every day until after ovulation has
Sex should
involve deep penetration to deposit the sperm as close as possible to the
cervix, and work towards having an orgasm during sex to pull even more sperm
into the womb for better success.
It’s also been noted that, while women should not drink
any caffeine while drinking to conceive, one strong cup of coffee prior to sex
for the MAN could
actually increase the motility of the Y sperm, thus increasing your chances of
having a baby boy.
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