Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Fitness Tips: 7 Ways to Improve the Quality of Your Life

Most of us like the idea of being physically fit. We often admire models and actors we see on television or magazines, but the truth is, we can build ourselves to look just like them, or at least something close enough.

Most people want to be fit, but only a few, however, are willing to do what it takes to be fit.
In this post we will be looking at 7 ways to improve the quality of your life, so read on.

First, let us start by looking at what physical fitness is all about.

Physical fitness refers to the human body's ability to function without too much fatigue. Thus, the energy stored is enough to do leisure activities as well as overcome physical stresses with alertness and vigor. General alertness, muscular endurance, strength, and cardio vascular reliability are the obvious signs that you are physically fit.

On the whole, physical fitness is measured according to expected functions of the body associated with endurance, strength, coordination, flexibility and agility. Moreover, stress testing also ascertains the accommodation of the body to a sustained, powerful stimuli used in analyzing fitness.

The physical fitness levels are influenced by systematic and regular exercise. Moderate activities keep the person at a certain level enough to deal with ordinary stress. Improving the levels of fitness needs more intensive exercises which promotes changes and challenge physiological systems.
Here are seven fitness tips that can help you improve your quality of life:

1. Daily exercise.
Every day perform some movements that can elevate your heart rate. It can be as simple as walking to the market nearby for groceries. Doing household chores like washing clothes, mowing lawns and other chores can help with increasing your heart rate.
2. Eat more veggies.
Vegetables and fruits will keep you energized and healthy. Vegetables in their natural state contain lots of fibers and nutrients. Organic fruits and vegetables must be preferred if possible since they are free from any chemical contamination.
3. Weight train.
Muscles weaken as you age. Doing resistance training to create hypertrophy, will help you look younger and add more quality into your life.
4. Circuit train.
Continually moving from one workout to another is a form of weight training. Following this practice can improve your heart rate during the whole workout doubling your cardio session.
5. Train functionally.
Incorporate some movements into your daily exercise which benefit or mimic your practiced movements in the actual world. Sports are good for functional training because the body is required to move in an efficient way. Functional training can keep your body balanced making it more resistant to illnesses and injuries.
6. Stretching your body as you warm up.
Muscle contraction is achieved through resistance training making it tighter and smaller. Similar to all types of cardio, simple resistance training is also great. Warming up the body through stretching is helpful after exercises.
7. Hydrate.
The human body is made of about 60% water. More often you became under hydrated because of some common beverages, like coffee, soda, alcohol, and tea, causing dehydration. Drink water as much as possible and follow the required eight glasses of water a day.

Therefore, these are simple strategies to keep your body fit. But more people have failed to achieve it because they tell themselves they can’t do any exercise because of their family and job. Never forget that you can stop working if you get sick. Likewise, if you are dead, you can never be with your family. So, it is your decision to put exercise first on your priorities. After all, those people dependent on you are more important. 

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